Book Review: The Wild Ones by Louise Czarnobai

I was actually a beta on this story for most of last year! The BEST Beta. Ask anyone.

Where do I even begin with my praise for this excellent book? The way Czarnobai eases us into this incredible supernatural world astounds me. The lead-in at the beginning with what is, essentially, a state of the union address was absolutely sublime.

However, the real story starts when we’re introduced to the charming and handsome lawyer, Louis and we get to see him in action. He’s a secret super who tries to help other supers get off of insane charges with his law degree. However, because of this, he gets into a little trouble himself. This is what leads him to SINS and ultimately to the stunningly sexy, Lucas.

And once those two get together it is allll downhill from there. In a good way, that is. Their sexual tension and bantering really had me hooked! It was impossible to look away from all of their spicy encounters. I found myself almost to the point of frustration, screaming at my Kindle for them to kiss.

What a well-done romance story! I wish there had been more SINS stuff in there, though! I can’t wait for the second book with more epic action and romance.

An excellent debut for Louise Czarnobai.